# | First Name | Last Name |
1 | Tanya | DeWitt |
2 | Jacqueline | Conner |
3 | Kathleen | Coughlin |
4 | Wilma | Thornton |
5 | Barbara | Kelly |
6 | Linda | Soltis |
7 | Test | Test |
8 | test11 | test22 |
The Merrie Makers Unit is a group of fun and caring ladies who share a common goal. We support our community, Court and Shrine Children. We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 11 am at the Scottish Rite building. Our colors are Red, White and Blue. We have red jackets, white slacks and white shirt. Our uniform can be worn at our Court meetings and other events. The Merrie Makers preform fun skits, each year we come up with something fun and easy. Over the years we have preformed as Frogs, Cheerlearders, Nuns, Pirates, Chickens and many more. We keep photo albums of each years skits. Our dues are twenty dollars payable in April. We have two fun events each year. Our annual Christmas Party which is filled with fun and games and our end of year get together at a local restaurant. We do not meet in June, July and August. We encourage you to ask anyone that is a Merrie Maker to find out more about us. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me at 941-518-3615